domingo, 6 de abril de 2014

I love biblical movies...

Afinal Noah, de Arronofsky,  parece estar cheio de referências interessantes.
A crítica de Peter Bradshaw (The Guardian) a Noah mostra que são muitos os motivos para ver o filme... Até que enfim que leio uma crítica que recorre a argumentos com interesse (gosto muito de ler Bradshaw).

Também aqui se pode ler, no artigo de Mark Kermode ( igualmente no The Guardian):
«While images of damned human flesh tumbling from mountaintops recall DeMille, and a shotfollowing a drop of rain nods towards the "tear of God" from Mel Gibson's The Passion of the ChristNoah has more in common with the traditions of sci-fi and fantasy than with the Ten Commandments....
Even the opening screed ("In the beginning there was nothing… ") seems less Genesis than George Lucas, with the action apparently taking place long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, upon landscapes that veer from Tatooine to Mordor via the forbidden zone of Beneath the Planet of the Apes, before ending up somewhere over the rainbow. Ominous scenes of blackened hordes descending upon Noah's wooden fortress call to mind the Orc attacks from The Lord of the Rings, while the floods themselves evoke the dystopian disaster of Waterworld...

Imperdível, portanto...

Estou em pulgas por Quinta-feira....

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